Financial Planning

Would you take off on a trip without first having a plan? Hopefully, the answer is “no.”

Your financial life is no different. To get to where you want to go financially, whether it be to help your children pay for college, buy the home of your dreams, or maintain your current lifestyle in retirement, you need to have a plan for how you will reach those goals.

RAA’s comprehensive financial planning services will help you do just that. Our team of expert advisors will get to know you, your unique situation, and your short-term and long-term financial objectives, and work with you to build a plan to help you make your dreams a reality.

This plan will consist of every area of your financial life, including:

  • Your current retirement savings and contributions
  • Your income and liabilities
  • Your investment objectives
  • Your estate plan
  • Your tax situation
  • Your airline, military, or government benefits
  • Your future needs, including retirement income and large purchases
  • Your family situation and generational plan


We know that things change, so your plan is updated regularly to ensure it accounts for your most recent needs and goals. Because we have extensive experience serving the airline community, we can guide you through the unique aspects of your plan that most advisors do not fully understand.

Most importantly, you have a trusted partner to help you feel confident that as your career, family, and life evolve, your financial plan is taken care of so you can focus on the things that matter most.

Request a Financial Planning Checklist

Is your financial plan on track? Request a Financial Planning Checklist to find out which elements go into a comprehensive financial plan, including:

  • Assessing your current financial situation
  • Defining your financial goals
  • Saving for retirement
  • 401(k) management
  • Much more

Request the checklist today to review or get started building your financial plan.

Request a Checklist