Edward Powell
Airline RepresentativeEdward Powell is currently a 757/767 Captain based in MSP. He was hired by Delta Air Lines in 1991. He has flown the B727, B737, B747, B757, and B767 and has been based in DFW, ATL, MSP, and DTW.
He previously served the Delta pilots as the MEC Furlough Administrator, MEC Furlough Committee Chairman, LEC Vice-Chairman, LEC Scheduling Committee Chairman, and MEC Scheduling Committee as the MEC PBS SME.
Edward retired as a Commander from the U.S. Navy. He flew the A-7E and instructed in the TA-4J on active duty and flew the C-9 in the reserves.
Edward is originally from Miami, Florida, but he and his family now live in the DFW area. They enjoy sports and traveling.